

“A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week in 2015

It was unseasonably warm for January 1st in Iowa this year. After running in circles, spinning and twirling around me for ten minutes, enjoying every second of the crisp wintery air but not allowing me to get a single picture that wasn’t a blur she was cold and ready to go inside. A promise of hot chocolate if she would wear her crown for just a few pictures kept her still for a minute.

It’s been kind of a rough start to the year with all three members of our family getting the flu on the same day. Even on the yucky, grey, never left the house and hardly opened the blinds sick days Sophie has kept us smiling, laughing and “awww-ing” at all the sweet and hilarious things she says and does.

I am excited to participate for the first time in the 52 week project created by the lovely and inspiring Jodi @Practicing Simplicity this year. I’m generally terrible at keeping up with photo projects (I am already behind, this post is days later than I meant it to be!) but I am hoping that the reward of a beautiful photo book of Sophie’s whole year will keep me motivated to stick with this one the way through. It is only once a week, so it should be totally do-able. Wish me luck!

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